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Autor AA.VV
Páginas: 292
Edición 1

Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and thatreflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, criticaland global citizen model, so we look to the f... Seguir leyendo

Información Extra
Revuela is an educational project that has been conceptualized hand in hand with more than 150 teachers, specialists and students and thatreflects the needs of the school. We believe in an active, criticaland global citizen model, so we look to the future, challengingteachers, students and families to be generators of change. Revelalongs to bring about small big changes.It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment thatfacilitates communication and favors a more effective learningmode.With Revuela, four main principles are addressed:- Respond to the need for social transformation.- Develop a new person model.-Accompany in the challenges posed by the new curriculum.- Ensureequitable and quality education, which promotes learning opportunities for all.The project responds to the following axes:- Globalcitizenship. From SM we approach citizenship as the main axis of ourproject and we develop it from two areas of intervention: thesustainable development goals and the ethics of care. We start from atransv

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